
Cathy Knapp:

My background stems from working almost thirty years in the aviation industry with fifteen spent in Human Resources where I was the sole Canadian HR professional working for the world’s largest airline. In this role I wore many hats and acquired a wealth of experience building a diverse portfolio in a number of different areas including Labour Relations, Employee Relations, Conflict Resolution, Investigations, and many more.   A significant portion of my experience was gained while working through the challenging dynamics arising from Chapter 11, restructuring, and mergers and I fully understand the angst and emotional unrest that comes when working through uncertain situations such as these.

“Cathy Knapp, ADR Services Inc.”, is my private practice dedicated to mediation and labour arbitration.  I am a trauma-informed practitioner applying a trauma-informed approach to my work.  I have worked in unionized and non-union settings, including the federal sector and have trans-border experience working for a U.S. parent organization in Canada.  While unions and leadership may have different mandates at times, it has been my experience that there are usually opportunities for common ground and through regular communication and increased understanding, respectful partnerships can be formed and maintained to better meet the needs of both parties’ constituents.

There are several constants in life of which conflict is one.  Conflict is normal and often arises out of conflicting or competing interests and often boils down to a lack of understanding or realization of the level of importance an issue has to another.  When an impasse is reached, engaging the expertise of a neutral professional such as myself to assist in resolving the conflict through mediation or providing a binding interpretation of a collective agreement or decision in a dispute through arbitration is the best path forward.

In addition to mediation and arbitration, my suite of services includes other neutral tools, such as workplace assessments, workplace investigations and facilitated dialogues. Workplace investigations provides organizations the opportunity to have independent and objective fact-finding performed to assist them in determining appropriate outcomes.  Workplace Assessments are a valuable tool for employers that can be used in a variety of ways that may include gauging the level of employee engagement, identify systemic issues, measuring the success of organizational changes, or simply taking a pulse check of your employees.  Facilitated Dialogue refers to a facilitator-led conversation in which people who have different beliefs and perspectives come together seeking to develop mutual understanding and increased perspectives.  It differs from mediation and conflict resolution however can lead to these processes.

I am a contract mediator at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal assisting parties resolve their disputes arising out of discrimination complaints. I am also on WorkSafe BC’s Prohibited Action Complaint mediation roster.

 I have successfully completed a mentorship with two experienced labour arbitrators and lawyers, Gabriel Somjen, QC and Wayne Moore in accordance with B.C’s Collective Arbitration Association Bureau (CAAB) guidelines and have been placed on CAAB’s Register of Arbitrators.

I’m an active member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of British Columbia (ADRBC), and sit on their Board as a Director at Large, as well as the Human Resources and Education Committees.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you and know I can provide value to your organization.

Professional designations/certifications/memberships:

  • Q.Arb, Qualified Arbitrator
  • C. Med, Chartered Mediator
  • Cert.ConRes., Certification in Conflict Resolution
  • Advanced Investigation Certificate from Rubin Thomlinson, LLP